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Finding Out Life Expectancy Through Blue Zones True Vitality Test

I recently tried Blue Zones True Vitality Test, a quiz that calculates your life expectancy and how long you’ll stay healthy based on the data collected from the world’s longest-lived people in Blue Zones. Blue Zones studies the lifestyles of the happiest, healthiest, and longest-living people on Earth from these places: Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; and Nicoya, Costa Rica which they’ve applied to develop the True Vitality Test.
True Vitality Test will take about three minutes to complete, running you through questions based on everything important for living a good life—your background, emotions, sleep, outlook on the world, movement patterns, diet, habits, sense of belonging, environment, among others. After taking the test, you’ll see your results and the personalized recommendations for getting the best years out of life.
Based on the results given to me, my life expectancy is 91.5 years and my healthy life expectancy (the years free of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes) is 76.1. 

Blue Zones suggested that I can add up to 5.8 more years to my life and add healthy years to my life by optimizing my lifestyle and environment. Below are the summary of the recommendations specific to me for how I can stretch out my time here on Earth:
  • Eating more fruits and greens
  • Moderate drinking of red wine
  • Having faith and attending religious service which can foster what scientists call “social integration”. (But I don’t consider myself a religious person. I’m working on to be spiritual.)
  • Forming healthy habits that can help handle stress from exercising and eating right to sleeping more and spending time with friends. (No time to spend time with friends because of Covid. *sigh)
  • Finding the right coping strategies to outsmart anger
One of my goals in life is to achieve healthy human longevity. With the continued advances in science and technology, there is great potential to extend our healthspan as we age. But I believe that every day, we all have the options to choose the right habits for us to live longer and healthier like the recommendations given to me above which are backed by science and based on the data of the folks who live in the Blue Zones.


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